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Buses will run from the Transportation Hotels to the Courses and then back to the Hotels for another pickup. They are 55 passenger buses.

Buses will start running at 6:30am from the Hotels and will Leave to the Pavilion at 6:30.

They will run every 30 minutes from Magic Village Views and Lake Buena Vista Village Spa Resort. A bus will run every hour from the Magic Village Yards.

Buses will run approximately every 15 min from the Pavilion to the course at Evermore and every 45 minutes from the Pavilion to the Disney's Palm course.

On registration day buses will run from the Hotel straight to the Pavilion so you can register before your round and then you can take a bus over to Evermore. YOU MUST BE REGISTERED AND HAVE YOUR CREDENTIALS BEFORE YOU WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE COURSE.

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